Saturday, May 2, 2020

Relembrando com Fotos Durante a Pandemia

Remembering, Praising and Thanksgiving to the Lord of Creation for the Wonderful Times He has Given Us

Images of His Blessings for a Life Time

“Pleasures are shafts of glory as it strikes our sensibility … I have tried to make every pleasure into a channel of adoration. I don’t mean simply by giving thanks for it. One must of course give thanks, but I meant something different … Gratitude exclaims, very properly, “How good of God to give me this.” Adoration says, “What must be the quality of that Being whose far-off and momentary coruscations [I had to look this word up!] are like this!” One’s mind runs back up the sunbeam to the sun … If this is Hedonism, it is also a somewhat arduous discipline. But it is worth some labour.” CSL

O LORD .. keep this for ever in the imagination of our thoughts..
Chronicles-1 29:18

Sete Cidades 1977 - Piaui

Natal 1977

Sete Cidades

London 1982
Scotland 1983

Natal 1981

São José do Egito - 1986

Recife 1985

Lynchburg, VA 1996

Manchester 1983
Manchester 1985
Manchester 1985

Recife 1981
 Recife 1986

Holland 1984

Recife 1972

Lynchburg 1997
Sete Cidades 1977

Lynchburg 1997

Iowa 1991

Manchester 1984

Manchester 1983

Manchester 1985
Manchester 1983

Lynchburg 1987

Manchester 1983
Recife 1977
Recife 1980
Recife 1977

Manchester 1982

Recife 1980
Recife 1977

Holland 1982
London 1983
Manchester 1982
Recife 1981
Porto de Galinhas 1980

Manchester 1982
Manchester 1983

Recife 1977
Manchester 1982
No Navio Pra Holanda 1982
London 1983

Recife 1980
Manchester 1982

Manchester 1983


Flowers of Narnia - July 17 / 2022

 “Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully ...