Sunday, October 8, 2006

Our First Meeting - Discussions and Questions

The discussions revolved around the pressures of the ordinary and how distractions interfere with our relationship to eternal matters.


JMW said...

Insights abound in Lewis's writing generally; I'll mention some things that have stood out in my mind since Saturday night:

Many and maybe most of us are used to thinking and acting as if the schemes of the evil one are revealed in the more spectuacular or dramatic moments of our lives (and we all "don't want no drama").

Lewis's renders his demons almost as bureaucrats, if especially vicious ones. The image of lab technicians also comes to mind. They poke us and they prod us to find what will lead us astray without our realizing that we've been had.

Given this image of who demons are has some truth it follows that they will use the tools that Lewis portrays them using: the habitual and the ordinary. Control someone's habits and you effectively control them.

If you begin to apply this picture to your own life the possibilities are disturbing.

Someone else have any thoughts?


Diggory Kirke said...

jmw is right - the small mistakes have a cumulative effect and are not revocable or irrelevant in the long run. They are almost imperceptible at times. They anesthetize us - - - and eventually will damn us.

JMW said...

Don't let Screwtape conceal an important truth! Our small mistakes are irrevocable, but in Jesus Christ we can overcome them and find forgiveness for them.

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Flowers of Narnia - July 17 / 2022

 “Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully ...