Images of a Time of Learning and Celebration
“You may feel that I have spent too much time on this great author’s faults and too little on his excellences. But that is because I am speaking among his friends. Where else does one mention the faults of a person one loves?”
This quote of C.S. Lewis describes well the feeling I had after returning from another great International Conference on Harmonics and Power Quality - (the 16th ICHQP in Bucharest). Great shared experience.
Once again I was glad to see among the members of this engineering community men and women whose modesty, courtesy, fair-mindedness, patience in disputation and readiness to see an antagonist's point were very clear. I was fortunate to meet them again and count many as friends.
Professor Bollen called his panel “a group of expert friends” - - - who are critical because they care.
One of the strongest things in the professional / academic world is the peculiar relation which men and women who work in the same area have to the subject and to one another – the inescapable bond of shared experiences which leads to a commitment to life.
“Oh, was there ever a sailor free to choose,
That didn’t settle somewhere near the sea? - - -“ Kippling
Any way, two years from now you are all invited to join us in Belo Horizonte, Brazil for the 17th ICHQP - which promises, among other attractions, a meeting of expert friends who like William Blake believed that “opposition is true friendship” and will engage each other in great discussions for the sake of learning, understanding and cooperation - never competition.
Check the webpage under construction - - -
We plan on a conference as exciting as the upcoming World Cup, but with better preparation and planning :-)
Cheers, Paulo
Celebrating the Quality of Life