Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Philosophers

Technische Universiteit Eindhoven 

Can you recognize some of them?

Bezit Zonder Vrienden is Vreugdeloos
Without Friends, Possesions Have No Joy

Bertrand Russel

Ik beken dat ik nog niet weet wat tijd is.
What then is time? I do not know.

Ik weet slechts een ding: dta ik niets weet.
I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing.

Ieder heeft recht op vrijheid van mensingsuiting
Freedom of opinion belongs of right to all.

Monday, November 26, 2012

O Dia que Durou 21 anos

 Episódio 1

 Episódio 2

 Episódio 3

 Episódio 4

O Povo Brasileiro - Darcy Ribeiro

Presentations - Enjoy 
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Saturday, November 10, 2012

God said: Let the be light and Philips said: Yes, Sir.

God zei: Er Zijn licht - en Philips zei: Ja, Meneer.
The Glow Show in Eindhoven - November 10, 2012

Edwin van der Heide

Laser / Sound Performance
LSP is a research trajectory exploring the relationship between sound and three dimensional image by means of laser projection. In 1815 Nathaniel Bowditch described a way to produce visual patterns by using a sine wave for the horizontal movement of a point and another sine wave for the vertical movement of that point. The shape of the patterns depends on the frequency and phase relationship of the sine waves. The patterns are known as Lissajous figures, or Bowditch curves.

LSP interprets Bowditch's work as a possible starting point to develop relationships between sound and image. Since sine waves can also be used to produce pure (audible) tones, it is possible to construct a direct relationship between sound and image. Frequency ratios in sound, de-tuning and phase shifts can have a direct visual counterpart.

Although theoretically all sounds can be seen as sums of multiple sine waves, music in general is often too complex to result in interesting visual patterns. The research of LSP focuses on the subject of composing signals that have both a structural musical quality and a time-based structural visual quality. Different relationships between sound and image are used throughout both the performance and the installation form.


'We do not truly see light, we only see slower things lit by it, so that for us light is on the edge--the last thing we know before things become too swift for us.'

"Virtue-even attempted virtue-brings light; indulgence brings fog."

CS Lewis

Friday, November 9, 2012

Professor Paulo (Digory Kirke) Ribeiro Turns 60

"But do you really mean, sir," said Peter, "that there could be other worlds - all over the place, just round the corner - like that?"

"Nothing is more probable," said the Professor, taking off his spectacles and beginning to polish them, while he muttered to himself, "I wonder what they do teach them at these schools."

Professor Kirke: What were you all doing in the wardrobe?
Peter: You wouldn't believe us if we told you, sir.
Professor Kirke: [tosses cricket ball to Peter] Try me!

“Grown-ups are always thinking of uninteresting explanations.”

Paulo (Digory Kirke) Ribeiro

Why Professor Digory Kirke is one of my heros - - - because he showed that logic and magic aren’t contrary to each other, and by extension, neither faith and reason.

(from the Narnia movie)


The Magic Never Ends - - - 

Flowers of Narnia - July 17 / 2022

 “Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully ...